The Super Mario Bros. Movie

When Mario and Luigi (Chris Pratt, Charlie Day), two plumbers from Brooklynn, are sucked through the New York sewer system and into a bizarre universe of magical proportions, their arrival comes just as Bowser (Jack Black), the King of the Koopas, is about to reign terror upon the Land of Mushrooms. Stopping Bowser, Helping the Princess (Anya Taylor-Joy), and saving the Mushroom people will be a tall order for the brothers, but, if they stick together and make some new friends, they might just stand a chance.Written by Matthew Fogel and Directed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, this family friendly jaunt into the world of Nintendo sets up quickly and follows the Hero’s Quest for all in a compact 92 minute package. Aimed largely at younger audiences, the film offers a few chuckles for the older demographic but distinctly lacks a certain subtext or richness in narrative that audiences have come to expect in animated film. Regardless, audiences will still appreciate seeing their favorite characters come to life, and, hearing the once 8 bit audio track fully orchestrated and booming in surround sound. Vocal performances from the ensemble all fit on point, particular nods to Jack Black for his ever present sing-along wackiness. You could do a lot worse for your family weekend entertainment. The Super Mario Bros. Movie is rated PG.